About Viana's Heart Jewel

About Viana's Heart Jewel

The “Viana’s Heart” is a unique jewel of extraordinary beauty and a timeless jewel!
With three centuries of existence, this piece continues to be an inspiration for designer’s jewelry and still be used in its simple and current version.
It is a jewel full of history and tradition that was part of the relics of most Portuguese families and that has jumped from generation to generation, carrying the legacy of beauty, values and feelings that only a jewel can pass.



  • ­    The History of Viana’s Heart

The history tell us that  this magnificent jewel was created at the end of the 18th century, when Queen D. Maria I (1734-1816) who, grateful for the birth of her male child, asked that a gold heart be made in honor of the Sacred Heart of Jesus .

  • ­    The Design of Viana’s Heart

Your design is unique and full of personality. This piece was designed in a heart shape that has become iconic, and at the top, it has a "crown" with cornucopias that symbolize the flames that spring from this Christian symbol. All of it is filled with fine and delicate filigree threads.

  • ­    The Meanning of Viana’s Heart

Its meaning has been changing through the ages. For a long time, this jewel was used as a religious symbol of dedication and worship to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, but over time, its popularity connoted it with profane love, becoming a symbol of romantic love.


Piece from traditional  Jewellery Museum of Viana do Castelo
1.    Jewellery Museum of Viana do Castelo
2.    Póvoa do Lanhoso Filigree – Viana’s Heart jewel:  https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filigrana


The Viana's Heart, for its historical legacy and importance in Portuguese culture, was the theme and inspiration of the prestigious Portuguese Artist Joana Vasconcelos, in her magnificent pieces of art.
It is worth enjoying the: http://www.joanavasconcelos.com/det.aspx?f=2206&o=388

­    “Coração Independente Dourado”, 2004, Colection George Marci, Gstaad
­    “Coração Independente Vermelho”, 2005, Museum Coleção Berardo, Lisboa
­    “Coração Independente Preto”, 2006, Colection MUSAC, Museu de Arte Contemporânea de Castilha y Leon, Leão



Artist Joana Vasconcelos -  http://www.joanavasconcelos.com/obras.aspx
Photo: Artist Joana Vasconcelos Facebook

It has become the most emblematic piece of jewelry in Portugal and a symbol with worldwide recognition worn by great celebrities.


Sheron Stone wearing a Viana’s Heart necklace in Portuguese Filigree
Source: https://www.pinterest.pt/pin/531143349775420110/